Credit: Dapo Abideen
Problems awaiting action |
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme |
It can be said without fear of contradiction that not all is right with the world. For example, the gap between the very rich and the hopelessly poor grows ever wider. This extreme imbalance is not healthy for any society. To be sure a few members of the rich community do indeed share their wealth with the poor, but in general the very rich aim rather at becoming mega-rich to the detriment of all. |
The ever-increasing commercialization of every aspect of life today is, in itself, a ‘time bomb’ whose rupture will bring the present economic structure to its knees. This time is not far off. So great are the tensions caused by this deep materialism that equilibrium is strained to breaking point. Most people are unaware of these forces, so deeply involved are they in the building of the tension. |
Thus will be presented to men their only natural course: the adoption of the principle of sharing. More and more, humanity is being edged towards this realization, however distant as yet are they from its actual manifestation. |
At the same time the ecological problems facing the world continue to a climax. Most countries today recognize that global warming is the enemy of all. The question which divides the nations is whether and to what extent man is responsible. The wisest course that men can follow is to assume that they are responsible for most of the pressures on the climate and to take all practical measures to rectify the problems. Some nations assuredly are doing so but not all. Our advice is that the actions and non-actions of humanity are responsible for eighty per cent of the problem and that men must, for their own and their children’s sake, spare nothing in its alleviation. Be assured that We will help them but they must play their part. |
With the collapse of the world economy men will come to realize their oneness. This realization will have a profound effect on their attitude to war. They will see that they are bound together in a struggle for survival, and the words of Maitreya will resound more loudly in their minds. Sharing, justice and freedom will grow in men’s minds as powerful symbols of the future, as inherent rights of all, the way to correct relationship. |
[The words ‘men’ and ‘man’ are used throughout the Master’s articles as general terms meaning humankind.]
Share International Magazine |
In the September issue
Excerpt from the Editor’s Comment:
“While the world waits [the fulfillment of America’s destiny], and with our eyes on the November elections in the US, we could do worse than read the following challenging text, written by the Master Djwhal Khul in The Externalisation of the Hierarchy to encourage the then neutral United States into joining the Allied forces as World War Two raged, threatening the future of a free humanity.”
The world crisis today June 30, 1940
“The forces of death are abroad today, but it is the death of liberty, the death of free speech, the death of freedom in human action, the death of truth and of the higher spiritual values…. I would say to those who preach a passive attitude in the face of evil and human suffering and who endorse a pacifism which involves no risks: With what do you propose to fight the forces of aggression, of treachery, evil and destruction which are today stalking over our planet? What weapons do you bring to this combat? How will you begin to stem the onslaught and arrest the whirlwind? Will you use prayers for peace, and then patiently wait for the forces of good to fight your battle and for God to do the work? I tell you that your prayers and your wishes are unavailing when divorced from right and potent action. Your prayers and petitions may reach the throne of God, symbolically speaking, but then the reply comes forth: The Forces of Light will strengthen your arms and turn the tide in your favour if you stand up and fight for that which you desire. Who will arrest the progress of aggressive selfishness if the men and women of goodwill rest back upon their idealism and do naught that is practical to justify their hope or aid in the materialization of the desired ideal.”
“Given America’s divine destiny it seems no exaggeration to say that the direction of the world and our shared fate is largely in the hands of its clear-eyed people of goodwill. The Master DK refers above to the need for ‘potent action.’ If there is only despairing non-action then words are empty. Ancient and as yet undefeated evils have re-surfaced in our times and call for clarity, for the need to speak out and to take appropriate lawful action, which in itself is a source of hope.”
Poverty alleviation |
Maitreya’s list of priorities essential to the needs of every man, woman and child include the need to establish justice through the elimination of poverty. The BBC recently reported that efforts initiated three years ago by Zambia to make education free for all – rated by the World Bank among the countries with the highest levels of poverty (60%) globally – has allowed more than 2 million more children to go to state-run schools. The government has pledged to build over 170 new schools by 2026, while having already hired 37,000 of proposed 55,000 new teachers.
In other good news, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) has reported that the number of people categorized as poor in Indonesia has declined by 3.06 million in the last 10 years. The number of poor stood at 25.22 million in March 2024, a decline from 28.28 million in March 2014 demonstrating that the number of poor fell by an average of 300,000 per year. The poverty line in Indonesia is determined by the minimum level of income needed to meet food and non-food needs. In March 2024, the poverty line was around $35.67 USD per person per month – with a family of four needing approximately $140 per month to meet basic needs.
Right human relations begins with sharing |
“ | The first step in the creation of right human relations is the transformation of our political, economic and social structures. The spiritual crisis through which mankind is passing is focused today through these fields, and at the core of the economic problem is the problem of distribution and redistribution. Right human relations is the next, divinely ordained, achievement of humanity. It is not possible to stand in right relationship to our brothers and sisters in the Third World when we live in luxury and waste while they starve and die in their millions. The solution is obvious: sharing the resources of this plentiful world is the essential first step into right relationship. The Christ will make this clear and inspire humanity to act towards this end. |
— From
Maitreya’s Mission, Volume One
The Share International USA online ‘bookstore’ carries all of Benjamin Creme’s print, audio and e-books, CDs & DVDs, and free downloads of four key titles.
For a limited time, purchase Maitreya’s Mission, Volume One in paperback (English & Portuguese) and e-book and receive 50% off through September 30th. Simply enter the discount code MM150 at checkout.
Order with all major credit cards at the Storefront, share-ecart.com. Checks and money orders are no longer being accepted. If you have questions, please use our contact page.
Our USA Facebook page has over 300 ready-made posts with beautiful images, timely quotes and links to the source of the quotes in Benjamin Creme's books and Share International magazine – a post to share almost every day of the year. Don't wait for the one we send each month! Go to the Share International USA Facebook page, scroll down to 'Photos' and click 'See all'. When you click on your choice for today it will open up ready to share. In these difficult times, we urge you to post these reassuring quotes regularly.
These images are meant to be shared ‘as is.’ Please do not edit them in any way.
Network News, Programming and Events |
The following programs contain wide-ranging information about and related to the emergence of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom. Their content offers perspectives on how this is impacting our world today. Please pass this information on to some new people:
United Nations International Day of Peace
September 21, 2024
“This year marks the 25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of the ‘Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace.’
In that declaration, the United Nations’ most inclusive body recognized that peace ‘not only is the absence of conflict, but also requires a positive, dynamic participatory process where dialogue is encouraged and conflicts are solved in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation.’
“In a world with rising geopolitical tensions and protracted conflicts, there has never been a better time to remember how the UN General Assembly came together in 1999 to lay out the values needed for a culture of peace. These include: respect for life, human rights and fundamental freedoms; the promotion of non-violence through education, dialogue and cooperation; commitment to peaceful settlement of conflicts; and adherence to freedom, justice, democracy, tolerance, solidarity, cooperation, pluralism, cultural diversity, dialogue and understanding at all levels of society and among nations.” UN.org
Marching for Peace and carrying signs can be a potent demonstration calling for Maitreya’s priorities and an opportunity to hand out Hierarchy's “Blueprint for Sharing” distributed last month with this newsletter. More ways to participate.
“Keep your eye on the prize and the prize is humanity!” – Maitreya
Souls of Spirit Expo
Souls of Spirit Expo, a holistic event, took place at the Big Horn Resort in Billings, Montana on June 18. A record-breaking (for the Mountain West region!) 12 people signed our sign-up sheet, and we had so many great conversations that we concluded it was the best expo we had ever attended.
One memorable visitor was an older man who hesitantly stood a few feet away from the booth. He may be living “off-the-grid,” as he said he had no internet or cell phone. I told him about Maitreya and how he appears to people, and that he’s here to help us change the direction of our world. I gave him a picture of Maitreya’s hand and explained how it can be a way to ask Maitreya for help. He tried to hide it, but he was starting to cry. He said he needed some time to compose himself and left. Later, I saw him again near the booth and took him a Share International magazine. He asked me why I was doing this – standing at a booth. I told him how I read the book Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom decades ago and have felt committed to the message ever since. He started crying again and said he had to go. He was grateful for the magazine. That made our day. (CS, Boulder/Denver Group)
Video on Maitreya’s Teachings
A new video titled "Maitreya's Teachings" is available in English, French and Spanish on the French YouTube channel "Partage en Action" (Sharing in Action) created by French Share International co-workers.
It's a short video of slides that have images accompanied by Maitreya's own words taken from his Messages. The phrases used reflect his priorities, with an emphasis on the message "Sharing will save the world." Three additional videos about Maitreya are also available on this channel.
Please help spread the video by clicking on "like," subscribing to the channel, commenting on it and sending one (or more!) of the links to your acquaintances, or posting the link(s) on your social networks.
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Transmission Meditation
Q&A with Benjamin Creme
Q. Is prayer a way to invoke Maitreya?
A. Yes, indeed. All the Masters respond to prayer – that is how prayer is answered, not by people sitting up in heaven. … Whether They can answer that prayer depends on the strength of the invocation, on what proportion of emotional or mental matter the prayer is wrapped in. The higher and the more mental the matter in which the prayer is wrapped, the more impact it makes on the minds of the Masters, because They work on the mental not the emotional planes. … So the higher you can make your invocation through prayer the better. More important even than that is karma. The Law of Karma controls the action, even of Masters, in relation to prayer. Prayer at its best is aspiration. The higher the aspiration, the more heart activity it will involve. Meditation is the means par excellence of becoming aligned with, and gradually infused by, the energy of the soul, the Higher Self. It is the mode of bringing us into at-one-ment with the soul. Invocation is something different, and Transmission is allied to invocation. It is the calling out of energy from a higher spiritual source and the transmission of that energy to a lower level. Transmission is a bridge between the higher source, Hierarchy, and the lower, humanity in general. – Benjamin Creme
New to Transmission?
Try one of our weekly online meditations with instruction. To participate please email us your name, city and state using our contact page. Learn more about this world service activity here.
Crop Circles and the Science of Light |
Credit: Owslebury Hants, 26 June 2023 © Steve Alexander; Badbury Rings Dorset, 19 July 2024 © Ben Sasson
Crop circles have several purposes. First, they are the “calling cards” of the Space People who create them, to announce that they are here without alarming people or infringing our free will. More importantly, each circle is magnetized and occupies a specific place in the lines of magnetic force in our Earth’s magnetic field. Each circle is a vortex, drawing energy in and radiating energy to its surrounding area. Together they form a “grid” or interrelated energy system. This energy grid – combined with electrical energy brought directly from the sun – will give us the new Science of Light as predicted by Maitreya. It will give this planet unlimited, safe power for all purposes, in ways that cannot be bought up or cornered by any group. See Share International USA’s webpage “The Gathering of the Forces of Light: UFOs and Their Spiritual Mission.”
We encourage you to share this newsletter far and wide and offer others the opportunity to know of the help offered to humanity now. Also read and share previous issues.
| |
• Maitreya's priorities
• Evidence of Maitreya's Presence
• Miracles throughout the world
• The Day of Declaration
• The Ageless Wisdom teachings
• Transmission Meditation
• The Promise of the Future
• Benjamin Creme: a messenger of hope
• How you can help
Read more