Credit: Hans (Pixabay)
Advent of the new |
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme |
The time immediately ahead will puzzle many, so quick will be the changes, political, economic and social, which will manifest, and so frequently will these changes occur. |
For many, anxiety and puzzlement will be the major response. Intrigued or alarmed by the nature and extent of these changes, many will see them as signs of a transforming society, while others will fear and resent the new manifestation. People everywhere will act warily, unsure of the right direction for them to take. Not for long, however, will men act thus. They will find that it is a truly changing world in which they live, beset with greater challenges to their beliefs and values. |
Thus will men begin to establish the new out of the old, and to demonstrate their growing ability to respond to the challenges of the time. |
The onslaught of the new |
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme |
For some people the coming months will feel to be the most difficult they have known, causing them to search for even a glimmer of hope, of respite from forces with which they feel unable to cope. |
At the same time, for others, there will be a heightened sense of their ingenuity and creativity, however unreal this may be. All is moving swiftly into the New Age and impress of Aquarius, whatever the ‘reading’ of this event. The impact of this will be powerful indeed.
How then should men respond? Know this as a further step towards the New Time and in doing so await the appearance of the Great Lord. Open the gates of heart and mind and be prepared for the onslaught of the new.
[The words ‘men’ and ‘man’ are used throughout the Master’s articles as general terms meaning humankind.]
Share International Magazine |
In the October issue
Editor’s Comment:
“Dear America,
We’re writing to you because you have it in your power to ensure the future of our world or consign all of us, your planetary brothers and sisters of all nationalities, to an unimaginable tragedy. Not much time remains before you go to the polls. When you go to vote this November, so momentous is this time, you ‘will have the opportunity to change the course of history’, writes Benjamin Creme’s Master in his article ‘America’s choice’ [written just prior to the 2004 US election]. In the simple act of exercising your democratic right, it is your destiny to make a decision on which ‘largely rests the style and structure of the immediate future’.
“Did you realize that you’re that important and powerful? Perhaps you think you’re powerful because of your army, weapons and willingness to go to war. That is precisely where you are weakest; your military-industrial complex, the billionaires and special interest lobbies have inculcated in you a hawkish, militaristic conditioning that renders you willing to sacrifice the youth. Do you wonder who benefits? Certainly not the dead heroes.
“You play an important role in the world because, just as each country has its own divine destiny, you have been assigned an amazing chance to be real heroes and literally save us all. …”
So begins what may be the most powerful Editor’s Comment ever to appear in Share International: a lengthy recap of the Master’s articles describing America’s ‘divine destiny’, where it has strayed from this path, moments of greatness, and existential opportunity before us in 2024. We urge you to read the entire article and take to heart these words.
Hope is a Verb |
In these two recent episodes from Fix the News podcast “Hope is a Verb” we learn of extraordinary actions people have been inspired to take to lift humanity one person at a time and to build peace:
“Meet Peta & Marwa, two women from opposite sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict who are working together to create a shared and peaceful future for their families. Their sister organisations, Women Wage Peace and Women of the Sun, have received a joint Nobel Peace Prize nomination this year. This is a story of hope against all odds, and the bonds that unite mothers, regardless of background.”
“Meet Ron Davis Alvarez, a musician, teacher and conductor who created The Dream Orchestra to help refugee children and teenagers forge connections in their host country [Sweden]. This is a story about the power of music to bring people together, to open our hearts and to believe in the possibility of a better future.”
Read their stories here
From crisis to global goodwill |
“ | The peoples of the world are beginning to realize that their felt need for a fuller, better life can now, for the first time in history, become a reality, if they make the effort required to overcome the inertia which has held them down for centuries. Everywhere there are moves being made in this direction. For most people, this is a time of crisis and uncertainty, but behind the apparent chaos is emerging a new pattern, a new way of approach to life, which has in it the seeds of the new age civilization whose keynotes will be co-operation and sharing, tolerance and goodwill. These qualities are already firmly planted in the minds and hearts of millions and will gradually manifest themselves more and more. |
— From
The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom
The Share International USA online ‘bookstore’ carries all of Benjamin Creme’s print, audio and e-books, CDs & DVDs, and free downloads of four key titles.
For a limited time, purchase The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom in paperback and e-book and receive 50% off through October 31st. Simply enter the discount code ROC50 at checkout.
Order with all major credit cards at the Storefront, share-ecart.com. Checks and money orders are no longer being accepted. If you have questions, please use our contact page.
Our USA Facebook page has over 300 ready-made posts with beautiful images, timely quotes and links to the source of the quotes in Benjamin Creme's books and Share International magazine – a post to share almost every day of the year. Don't wait for the one we send each month! Go to the Share International USA Facebook page, scroll down to 'Photos' and click 'See all'. When you click on your choice for today it will open up ready to share. In these difficult times, we urge you to post these reassuring quotes regularly.
These images are meant to be shared ‘as is.’ Please do not edit them in any way.
Network News, Programming and Events |
The following programs contain wide-ranging information about and related to the emergence of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom. Their content offers perspectives on how this is impacting our world today. Please pass this information on to some new people:
Soul Search Expo – A Hopeful Message from Maitreya
On Sunday, August 4, the Northwest region participated in a SoulSearch ‘Enlightenment Expo’ in Burlingame, California. This was the first New Age expo in San Mateo County in over two years and it was well-attended. In our talk, we introduced Benjamin Creme and Maitreya briefly, played one of Maitreya’s messages over a loudspeaker, and demonstrated Transmission Meditation. The expo visitors seemed less hurried and engaged with us at the booth quite readily – it was a lively room. By the way, we are finding it helpful at the expos to fill a bowl on the table with free tiny scrolls tied up with a ribbon that include a Maitreya quote.
Theosofest, Wheaton, IL
Best weather and well attended with many stopping at our booth. Two canopies joined together to accommodate Meditation Mandalas display. We were located at the end of an aisle which provided some empty space next to our booth where we sat outside the tent so people could feel freer to come in and browse. (See unique booth shown in our June newsletter.)
One women who had a wheeled walker with a bench read the entire Mandala display and then went on to read through the entire SI back cover photo book—never actually using her walker to sit in or support herself. When we approached her she thanked us for giving her the space and time to peruse the material without interrupting her with additional information or inquiries. She said of the SI back cover photos that these were her people. She introduced herself as “Yellow” and signed the mailing list.
International Day of Peace
In recognition of the United Nations’ International Day of Peace, falling this year on Saturday, September 21, Share International co-workers submitted an opinion piece entitled “The prerequisite for peace” to 70 media outlets—newspapers, magazines, and online news web sites. The theme of the article was that we can solve all problems together—if we can see humanity as one family with diverse skills but universal needs and share resources equitably among nations. By sharing in this way, we would create justice, and hence trust among nations, which is the missing link—the prerequisite for creating a peaceful world—and the only thing that hasn’t been tried. We don’t have evidence that the piece made it to print, but we proved we can communicate appropriately with news sources in ways other than press releases. This will be very useful until we have what they consider “hard news.”
The Dallas group celebrated International Day of Peace by posting signs along a street corner of a busy shopping center. Their mission was to raise awareness of this important topic and to suggest that “Another World is Possible”, as two of the signs said. The gathering included a table with handouts and some drum playing to boost the energy. They considered this as an opportunity for passers-by to see that someone out there is promoting peace and unity.
The Los Angeles group, participating in the 40th annual Central Avenue Jazz Festival, used the lovely Dallas flyer as a handout. While others manned their booth, one co-worker circulated among the crowd, had a number of receptive conversations, and left the excess flyers on seats near the stage.
“Art, Spirituality & Global Transformation:
The Ageless Wisdom Teaching and Modern Mandala Paintings”
Once again a very successful talk and visual presentation was given by co-worker Michiko Ishikawa in Berkeley, California, and simultaneously streamed on Zoom on September 22. About 20-25 people attended in person, and 60 via Zoom. The event concluded with a live/online Transmission Meditation, which was quite powerful. A video of a similar presentation Michiko gave in Japan (with English subtitles) can be seen at: tiny.cc/CremeArt.
Find out what's happening in your region.
Use this map to locate your region and view upcoming events.
Service burns up karma
The involvement in service, if it is true service, pushes us forward faster than anything else in growth of consciousness. It helps to free the individual from karma, burns up karma. What, above all, holds us back in the evolution of consciousness is karma. The actions of the past, up to this moment, make karma. Every action, every thought, creates it. Thought is a thing; it creates that which holds us back in evolution. It ties knots which trap us, as it were, and until we sever these knots we cannot move forward. The moving forward, the growth in consciousness, is best achieved by completely forgetting about ourselves, involving ourselves in service to humanity, and at some kind of sacrifice to oneself.
— Benjamin Creme
New to Transmission?
Try one of our weekly online meditations with instruction. To participate please email us your name, city and state using our contact page. Learn more about this world service activity here.
On November 18th and 19th, renowned American documentarian Ken Burns’ latest film Leonardo da Vinci will air on PBS stations nationwide. It will undoubtedly be available on multiple platforms.
You can watch the trailer now and read about the film here. Watch a 36-minute interview with Ken Burns here.
In Maitreya’s Mission, Volume Three, pages 394-5, Benjamin Creme includes a description and the rays of da Vinci: a painter, sculptor, architect, natural scientist, military inventor and 4.4 degree initiate – the epitome of the Renaissance man. Ten other great artists of the period and their rays are also included in this volume. If you don’t have the book, you can read the da Vinci entry here.
We encourage you to share this newsletter far and wide and offer others the opportunity to know of the help offered to humanity now. Also read and share previous issues.
| |
• Maitreya's priorities
• Evidence of Maitreya's Presence
• Miracles throughout the world
• The Day of Declaration
• The Ageless Wisdom teachings
• Transmission Meditation
• The Promise of the Future
• Benjamin Creme: a messenger of hope
• How you can help
Read more