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Life magazine’s cover, in July 1991, asked: “Do you believe in miracles?” and reported that thousands of unexplained miraculous phenomena are occurring worldwide. “I did a little digging,” said editor Peter Bonventre, “and it turned out there’d been a rash of sacred apparitions all over the world...There’s a worldwide spiritual revival, and it’s one of the great stories of our time.”

In April 1995, Time magazine’s cover declared “The past few years have been an age of miracles...unimaginable events have succeeded one another as if the Creator had whistled up a new world.” An eight-page spread concluded: “People are hungry for signs.”

Reports of miracles involving people from all faiths (and those of none) have now become the subjects of books and regular features in the media worldwide. According to Benjamin Creme, founding editor of Share International magazine, they are all signs of the imminent emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group, the Masters of Wisdom.

Over the past 40 years many people have contacted Share International to describe their own “miraculous” or simply unexplained but extraordinary experiences. Some have sent photos of weeping and bleeding statues, “crosses of light” and springs of healing water, divine messages in the seed patterns of fruits and vegetables, bronze and stone sacred statues that appear to drink milk, intricate ‘crop circles’ impressed in grain fields, and a large star-like luminary visible both day and night around the world. Others have encountered strangers who gave them profound insights into troubling situations or provided a healing at some level. Such reports have become a regular feature in our monthly magazine Share International, and we are always open to hearing about them.

Copyright laws state that we may only publish photographs, videos and accounts from the owners of same who give us express permission to use them. To facilitate this we have created an online portal where you can upload files and provide that permission. This is a new feature of our website, so if you have not uploaded anything you sent in the mail previously, or something new, please use this portal now to share your story.