December 2023
Share International Magazine Editor’s Comment
As we all know, the rule of law is essential to the survival of any civilization; it is vital in international relations. Respect for and compliance with all international treaties, conventions and standards the world has formulated for itself as fundamental criteria ensure justice for all, and make trust and peace possible.
What happens when this framework breaks down or is deliberately flouted is not unknown. History is littered with the scars of the collapse of the rule of law and of fundamental standards by which we live and conduct ourselves to ensure the security, the continuation and thriving of all. Have we forgotten even our relatively recent history, when we all agreed and hoped “Never again”?
The problem with history is, of course, that it is memory and is so easily subjective. And instead of the interests of the collective – the whole human race – we are able to blind ourselves to injustice done to others while demanding the right to revenge for ourselves, because our history is that we have suffered. And so the appalling litany of suffering, of both inflicting pain and cherishing wounds, of trading accusations, continues and pulls more and more bystanders into the mire of brutality.
It seems insane to spend time vying to equate crimes, wrongs and sufferings – I give you my holocaust and you give me your nakba. Why not look for parity in justice and reparations as the starting point for negotiations? When and how does it end? Must the world continue to see-saw between guilt and revenge and, as it does so, create the perfect opportunity for more money for a few billionaires through arms sales, more geopolitical gain, more expansion and aggrandisement? Unnecessary but well-inculcated guilt has held us hostage for too long; it has blinded us to today’s ghastly reality.
Negotiations must come, sanity must prevail if the world is to have a future. This applies to every war-torn region of our planet – Sudan, Yemen, Ukraine-Russia and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But post-war reparations must recognize that this has never been an equal fight. False narratives are ingrained in the fabric of modern politics; the plain truth of decades of no justice for the dispossessed Palestinians and the consequent lack of a law-based security for Israel have yet to be acknowledged by the world’s leaders, who appear to have lost their moral compass and certainly their humanity. How can they stand aside without becoming complicit in this repulsive, brutish annihilation? We are witnessing plain genocide, clear ethnic cleansing, most certainly war crimes and crimes against humanity. We know it is the people who will lead their leaders into a new and just society. Hundreds of thousands are paying with loss of country, tens of thousands are losing their lives. If we remain silent we lose our humanity.
Can we remain silent? Can we the people do nothing when it is not only the lives and country of a whole people at stake but the humanity of us all? This is an attack on our essence – our humanity; our minds and hearts are at risk.
This period in our history is a testing time, if not the pivotal moment for the global community. If we cannot in these inhumane times find the courage to demand a ceasefire, justice and an end to slaughter then, I believe, we must resign ourselves to further tragedy and an even more terrible battle against this dehumanizing force. And not only in the Middle East. In no country on our planet do all citizens live happy, healthy, comfortable, secure, educated, creative lives in clean, flourishing natural environments. We know we need better governance and policies to protect people and planet; we need real justice for all, new standards, a clearer definition of a civilized society.
In this issue we have included a number of articles by Benjamin Creme’s Master, and answers to difficult but relevant questions provided by Benjamin Creme himself, as well as articles and statistics which reveal information which, if taken to heart, could save our souls and start us on a process of negotiation, truth and reconciliation, reparation and a huge collective effort to rebuild, redefine and re-orient people to sanity and a future for the Earth.
As Benjamin Creme’s Master wrote in ‘Humanity’s historic choice’: “The time for men to make their historic choice has arrived. Soon, men will come to realize that they must make a momentous decision, one which will determine the future for every man, woman and child, indeed the future for every living creature on Earth: a choice between continuous and ever-expanding creativity on planet Earth, or a devastating ending of all life, human and sub-human, on our planetary home.
Only sharing and justice, We say, will bring the peace which, in their hearts, all men desire. Simple indeed is Our recommendation but, so far, difficult for humanity to grasp. Men have divine free will and are the masters of their fate. Take, We advise, the path of sharing and justice which are the garments of Brotherhood, without which a man is not fully a man.” (Share International, March 2013)
We can take strength and comfort from the customary Blessing from Maitreya which will take place on Christmas Day, 25 December at 3pm local time, wherever you are. He and the Masters stand with humanity; we must play our part, however puny it may seem.
Share International USA